Season at a glance for Maryland

25 Jun 2015

42-24, 17-11 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

32 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-094Western Kentucky 24-27
1-0187Canisius 34-29
1-097Old Dominion 27-28
1-063South Alabama 37-19
0-167Central Florida 30-27  
1-016Arkansas 40-24 + 
2-1182Appalachian State 16-34
1-286North Carolina-Wilmington 39-17  
1-0176Richmond 28-24
3-0288Princeton 7-29
2-0178Elon 25-27
3-0163Minnesota 19-27 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-1254James Madison 17-32
1-368Michigan 36-24  
3-042Nebraska 34-20
1-0108West Virginia 27-26
0-1201George Washington 31-22  
1-228Iowa 36-17 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-182Liberty 32-22
2-117Cal State Fullerton 38-23 + 
0-296Virginia Commonwealth 38-25  
3-0175Purdue 20-31
2-0170Delaware 26-21 (+0-1 non-D1)
1-344Indiana 32-23  
1-0264Towson 17-34-2
2-131Ohio State 34-18 + 
1-2174Northwestern 16-35  
1-079Michigan State 34-22
1-010Illinois 49-9-1 (+1-0 non-D1) + 
1-064Mississippi 30-27
2-14UCLA 44-14 + 
0-225Virginia 42-24

Results and Schedule

3/13W 15-0288Princeton2/20W 8-063South Alabama2/13W 7-394Western Kentucky
3/15W 5-0288Princeton3/7L 6-886North Carolina-Wilmington2/14W 8-4187Canisius
3/16W 13-6288Princeton3/7L 7-1186North Carolina-Wilmington2/14W 5-297Old Dominion
3/21W 5-1163Minnesota†3/8W 11-986North Carolina-Wilmington2/21L 6-767Central Florida
3/21W 12-9163Minnesota†3/17W 15-5178Elon2/22W 13-616Arkansas
3/22W 8-3163Minnesota†3/18W 7-3178Elon2/27W 4-2182Appalachian State
4/1W 3-0254James Madison3/24L 6-8254James Madison2/28L 7-9182Appalachian State
4/4W 8-342Nebraska†3/28W 3-168Michigan†3/1W 8-2182Appalachian State
4/4W 8-242Nebraska†3/28L 1-1068Michigan†3/11W 8-3176Richmond
4/5W 6-542Nebraska†3/29L 2-568Michigan†5/6W 9-2264Towson
4/7W 12-7108West Virginia4/15W 6-482Liberty5/20W 2-179Michigan State†
4/8L 1-12201George Washington4/21L 1-2 (10)96Virginia Commonwealth5/21W 2-110Illinois†
4/10W 10-128Iowa†4/24W 12-3175Purdue†5/23W 4-244Indiana†
4/11L 1-328Iowa†4/24W 7-3175Purdue†5/24L 3-468Michigan†
4/12L 1-228Iowa†4/26W 4-3175Purdue†5/29W 3-164Mississippi
4/17W 2-117Cal State Fullerton4/29W 9-4170Delaware5/30W 4-14UCLA
4/18W 9-517Cal State Fullerton5/8W 13-431Ohio State†5/31L 2-44UCLA
4/19L 0-1 (10)17Cal State Fullerton5/9L 12-1331Ohio State†6/1W 2-14UCLA
4/22L 1-396Virginia Commonwealth5/10W 14-1031Ohio State†6/5L 3-525Virginia
4/28W 5-3170Delaware5/14L 0-1174Northwestern†6/6L 4-525Virginia
5/1L 5-644Indiana†5/15L 2-3174Northwestern†
5/2L 2-1344Indiana†5/16W 4-3174Northwestern†
5/3L 2-644Indiana†
5/12L 6-782Liberty

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/30 4-1vs 4UCLA3/24 6-8at 254James Madison
6/1 2-1vs 4UCLA4/8 1-12 201George Washington
5/21 2-1vs 10Illinois2/28 7-9vs 182Appalachian State
2/22 13-6vs 16Arkansas5/14 0-1at 174Northwestern
4/17 2-1 17Cal State Fullerton5/15 2-3at 174Northwestern
4/18 9-5 17Cal State Fullerton4/21 1-2 (10)at 96Virginia Commonwealth
4/10 10-1 28Iowa4/22 1-3 96Virginia Commonwealth
5/8 13-4at 31Ohio State3/7 6-8at 86North Carolina-Wilmington
5/10 14-10at 31Ohio State3/7 7-11at 86North Carolina-Wilmington
4/4 8-3 42Nebraska5/12 6-7 82Liberty
4/4 8-2 42Nebraska3/28 1-10at 68Michigan
4/5 6-5 42Nebraska3/29 2-5at 68Michigan
5/23 4-2vs 44Indiana5/24 3-4vs 68Michigan
2/20 8-0at 63South Alabama2/21 6-7vs 67Central Florida
5/29 3-1vs 64Mississippi5/1 5-6 44Indiana
3/28 3-1at 68Michigan5/2 2-13 44Indiana
5/20 2-1vs 79Michigan State5/3 2-6 44Indiana
4/15 6-4at 82Liberty5/9 12-13at 31Ohio State
3/8 11-9at 86North Carolina-Wilmington4/11 1-3 28Iowa
2/13 7-3vs 94Western Kentucky4/12 1-2 28Iowa
2/14 5-2vs 97Old Dominion6/5 3-5vs 25Virginia
4/7 12-7 108West Virginia6/6 4-5vs 25Virginia
3/21 5-1 163Minnesota4/19 0-1 (10) 17Cal State Fullerton
3/21 12-9 163Minnesota5/31 2-4vs 4UCLA
3/22 8-3 163Minnesota
4/28 5-3 170Delaware
4/29 9-4at 170Delaware
5/16 4-3at 174Northwestern
4/24 12-3at 175Purdue
4/24 7-3at 175Purdue
4/26 4-3at 175Purdue
3/11 8-3vs 176Richmond
3/17 15-5at 178Elon
3/18 7-3at 178Elon
2/27 4-2vs 182Appalachian State
3/1 8-2vs 182Appalachian State
2/14 8-4vs 187Canisius
4/1 3-0 254James Madison
5/6 9-2vs 264Towson
3/13 15-0 288Princeton
3/15 5-0 288Princeton
3/16 13-6 288Princeton
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko