Season at a glance for Canisius

25 Jun 2015

34-30, 21-9 MAAC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

28 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
0-138Maryland 41-24
1-097Old Dominion 27-28 + 
1-139Coastal Carolina 38-20
2-1182Appalachian State 16-34 + 
1-0217North Carolina-Asheville 21-33
0-1170Delaware 25-23 (+0-1 non-D1)
1-3193George Mason 20-26-1  
0-4254James Madison 14-33  
3-1275Buffalo 15-32
0-287Indiana State 26-26
1-078Central Michigan 35-21 + 
0-1197Rutgers 18-35-1  
0-1165Penn State 17-30
3-0287Iona 20-30
2-1266Fairfield 16-30
2-0158Akron 27-28 (+1-0 non-D1) + 
2-2167Rider 26-20
0-1227Youngstown State 15-34  
0-1265Binghamton 16-24-2  
2-1299St Peter's 9-36-1
1-2250Monmouth 20-23  
1-1262Cornell 12-25 (+0-1 non-D1)
4-0260Marist 19-23-1
3-2256Siena 21-25
3-0290Niagara 13-29-2
1-1233Quinnipiac 28-26
0-162Oregon 37-25
0-17Missouri State 48-12

Results and Schedule

3/11W 13-6275Buffalo2/16L 3-1339Coastal Carolina2/14L 4-838Maryland
3/24L 5-8 (11)275Buffalo2/17W 14-339Coastal Carolina2/15W 8-697Old Dominion
3/29W 5-4266Fairfield†3/7L 5-7254James Madison2/21L 4-8182Appalachian State
3/29L 3-9 (7)266Fairfield†3/8L 4-5 (8)254James Madison2/21W 4-3182Appalachian State
3/30W 6-5266Fairfield†3/8L 8-10 (7)254James Madison2/22W 10-3182Appalachian State
4/1W 3-2158Akron3/9L 5-7254James Madison2/27W 10-3217North Carolina-Asheville
4/3L 5-7167Rider†3/14L 0-487Indiana State2/28L 1-5170Delaware
4/3L 8-12 (7)167Rider†3/15L 2-1387Indiana State2/28L 3-13193George Mason
4/4W 8-6167Rider†3/18L 1-11165Penn State3/15W 7-478Central Michigan
4/8L 15-18 (11)265Binghamton3/22W 8-0287Iona†3/16L 8-12197Rutgers
5/2W 4-2260Marist†3/22W 7-0 (7)287Iona†5/21L 1-6233Quinnipiac†
5/2W 5-1 (7)260Marist†3/23W 7-1287Iona†5/21W 5-0260Marist†
5/3W 16-11260Marist†4/7L 1-4227Youngstown State5/22W 12-2233Quinnipiac†
5/14W 14-4290Niagara†4/11L 4-6299St Peter's†5/22W 8-7167Rider†
5/14W 16-4 (7)290Niagara†4/11W 8-3 (7)299St Peter's†5/23W 10-5256Siena†
5/15W 13-0290Niagara†4/12W 23-0299St Peter's†5/23W 11-2256Siena†
4/15W 7-5275Buffalo5/30L 6-1262Oregon
4/17L 4-7193George Mason5/30L 1-147Missouri State
4/18W 8-2193George Mason
4/19L 3-8193George Mason
4/21W 16-5275Buffalo
4/25W 6-0250Monmouth†
4/25L 1-3 (7)250Monmouth†
4/26L 9-10250Monmouth†
4/29W 6-1 (7)262Cornell
4/29L 3-4 (7)262Cornell
5/9L 2-3256Siena†
5/9W 4-3256Siena†
5/10L 1-4 (8)256Siena†
5/12W 5-3158Akron

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/17 14-3at 39Coastal Carolina4/11 4-6at 299St Peter's
3/15 7-4vs 78Central Michigan3/24 5-8 (11) 275Buffalo
2/15 8-6vs 97Old Dominion3/29 3-9 (7) 266Fairfield
4/1 3-2 158Akron4/8 15-18 (11) 265Binghamton
5/12 5-3at 158Akron4/29 3-4 (7)at 262Cornell
4/4 8-6 167Rider5/9 2-3at 256Siena
5/22 8-7vs 167Rider5/10 1-4 (8)at 256Siena
2/21 4-3vs 182Appalachian State3/7 5-7at 254James Madison
2/22 10-3vs 182Appalachian State3/8 4-5 (8)at 254James Madison
4/18 8-2at 193George Mason3/8 8-10 (7)at 254James Madison
2/27 10-3vs 217North Carolina-Asheville3/9 5-7at 254James Madison
5/22 12-2vs 233Quinnipiac4/25 1-3 (7)at 250Monmouth
4/25 6-0at 250Monmouth4/26 9-10at 250Monmouth
5/9 4-3at 256Siena5/21 1-6vs 233Quinnipiac
5/23 10-5vs 256Siena4/7 1-4at 227Youngstown State
5/23 11-2vs 256Siena3/16 8-12vs 197Rutgers
5/2 4-2 260Marist2/28 3-13vs 193George Mason
5/2 5-1 (7) 260Marist4/17 4-7at 193George Mason
5/3 16-11 260Marist4/19 3-8at 193George Mason
5/21 5-0vs 260Marist2/21 4-8vs 182Appalachian State
4/29 6-1 (7)at 262Cornell2/28 1-5vs 170Delaware
3/29 5-4 266Fairfield4/3 5-7 167Rider
3/30 6-5 266Fairfield4/3 8-12 (7) 167Rider
3/11 13-6 275Buffalo3/18 1-11at 165Penn State
4/15 7-5at 275Buffalo3/14 0-4at 87Indiana State
4/21 16-5at 275Buffalo3/15 2-13at 87Indiana State
3/22 8-0at 287Iona5/30 6-12vs 62Oregon
3/22 7-0 (7)at 287Iona2/16 3-13at 39Coastal Carolina
3/23 7-1at 287Iona2/14 4-8vs 38Maryland
5/14 14-4 290Niagara5/30 1-14vs 7Missouri State
5/14 16-4 (7) 290Niagara
5/15 13-0 290Niagara
4/11 8-3 (7)at 299St Peter's
4/12 23-0at 299St Peter's
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko