Season at a glance for Penn State

25 Jun 2015

18-30, 6-16 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

21 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
0-3178Elon 22-29  
0-33Texas A&M 47-14
1-2211Charleston Southern 21-29  
0-227South Carolina 30-25
0-1192Western Carolina 20-30  
0-282Liberty 31-23
2-0152Pittsburgh 20-30 + 
1-0187Canisius 34-29
1-144Indiana 34-23
1-0228Villanova 22-26 (+0-1 non-D1)
3-0293Central Connecticut State 17-28
1-1149Kent State 30-21
0-331Ohio State 32-20
2-0238Bucknell 24-20
1-268Michigan 37-24
1-0108West Virginia 27-26 + 
0-3163Minnesota 16-30 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-310Illinois 46-10-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
3-0197Rutgers 19-32-1
1-279Michigan State 32-22
0-2175Purdue 18-34  

Results and Schedule

3/18W 11-1187Canisius2/13L 15-16178Elon3/13L 2-4192Western Carolina
3/22L 4-5 (12)44Indiana†2/14L 2-7178Elon
3/22W 13-744Indiana†2/14L 6-11178Elon
3/25W 5-2228Villanova2/20L 3-93Texas A&M
3/27W 5-2293Central Connecticut State2/21L 2-153Texas A&M
3/29W 4-1293Central Connecticut State2/22L 2-53Texas A&M
3/29W 13-3293Central Connecticut State3/6L 0-2211Charleston Southern
4/1L 7-9149Kent State3/7L 5-7211Charleston Southern
4/7W 4-2238Bucknell3/8W 18-6211Charleston Southern
4/10W 11-168Michigan†3/10L 0-327South Carolina
4/11L 3-568Michigan†3/11L 3-1327South Carolina
4/12L 3-868Michigan†3/14L 6-782Liberty
4/15W 11-2238Bucknell3/15L 2-382Liberty
4/24L 1-1010Illinois†3/17W 6-1 (12)152Pittsburgh
4/25L 2-4 (15)10Illinois†4/4L 1-731Ohio State†
4/26L 3-610Illinois†4/5L 6-731Ohio State†
4/29W 8-7152Pittsburgh4/6L 7-831Ohio State†
5/1W 8-1197Rutgers†4/14W 5-3108West Virginia
5/2W 12-10197Rutgers†4/17L 1-6163Minnesota†
5/3W 8-5197Rutgers†4/18L 1-8163Minnesota†
4/19L 5-9163Minnesota†
4/21W 15-5149Kent State
5/8W 5-379Michigan State†
5/9L 4-579Michigan State†
5/10L 1-379Michigan State†
5/14L 2-8175Purdue†
5/16L 3-7175Purdue†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/22 13-7 44Indiana3/6 0-2at 211Charleston Southern
4/10 11-1 68Michigan3/7 5-7at 211Charleston Southern
5/8 5-3at 79Michigan State3/13 2-4vs 192Western Carolina
4/14 5-3at 108West Virginia2/13 15-16at 178Elon
4/21 15-5at 149Kent State2/14 2-7at 178Elon
3/17 6-1 (12)at 152Pittsburgh2/14 6-11at 178Elon
4/29 8-7 152Pittsburgh5/14 2-8at 175Purdue
3/18 11-1 187Canisius5/16 3-7at 175Purdue
5/1 8-1 197Rutgers4/17 1-6at 163Minnesota
5/2 12-10 197Rutgers4/18 1-8at 163Minnesota
5/3 8-5 197Rutgers4/19 5-9at 163Minnesota
3/8 18-6at 211Charleston Southern4/1 7-9 149Kent State
3/25 5-2 228Villanova3/14 6-7at 82Liberty
4/7 4-2 238Bucknell3/15 2-3at 82Liberty
4/15 11-2 238Bucknell5/9 4-5at 79Michigan State
3/27 5-2 293Central Connecticut State5/10 1-3at 79Michigan State
3/29 4-1 293Central Connecticut State4/11 3-5 68Michigan
3/29 13-3 293Central Connecticut State4/12 3-8 68Michigan
3/22 4-5 (12) 44Indiana
4/4 1-7at 31Ohio State
4/5 6-7at 31Ohio State
4/6 7-8at 31Ohio State
3/10 0-3at 27South Carolina
3/11 3-13at 27South Carolina
4/24 1-10 10Illinois
4/25 2-4 (15) 10Illinois
4/26 3-6 10Illinois
2/20 3-9at 3Texas A&M
2/21 2-15at 3Texas A&M
2/22 2-5at 3Texas A&M
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