Season at a glance for Navy

27 Jun 2017

37-17, 15-5 Pat

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

21 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-2229North Carolina Central 20-27  
1-2140Air Force 23-26 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-1249Georgetown 26-27
1-2181Cornell 19-16
2-0297Maryland-Eastern Shore 12-38
2-0189Central Connecticut State 36-20 + 
1-0156Marist 31-22 + 
2-0279Delaware State 22-23
4-0298New York Tech 5-32-1
2-2268Princeton 10-26-1
2-2225Holy Cross 22-27
0-1186Wofford 27-30
1-0291Coppin State 11-30
4-0289Lafayette 8-40
1-0255Towson 20-33
4-0272Lehigh 21-25
1-0214George Mason 26-32
3-1266Army 24-28
3-3239Bucknell 18-25
0-1217Maryland-Baltimore County 22-25  
1-0300Susquehanna 0-0

Results and Schedule

2/28L 3-11249Georgetown2/18L 2-3229North Carolina Central2/24W 11-3140Air Force
3/4L 2-5181Cornell2/18L 7-8229North Carolina Central2/25L 8-19140Air Force
3/4W 8-7181Cornell2/19W 9-6229North Carolina Central2/26L 2-3140Air Force
3/5L 5-8181Cornell3/22W 18-0279Delaware State
3/8W 17-5297Maryland-Eastern Shore3/29W 6-2249Georgetown
3/10W 7-3189Central Connecticut State4/2W 11-8225Holy Cross†
3/11W 3-2156Marist4/2L 3-6225Holy Cross†
3/12W 11-6189Central Connecticut State4/3L 7-8225Holy Cross†
3/16W 3-2279Delaware State4/3W 6-1225Holy Cross†
3/17W 10-5298New York Tech4/12W 13-5297Maryland-Eastern Shore
3/18W 15-3298New York Tech4/15W 2-1272Lehigh†
3/18W 12-0298New York Tech4/15W 3-2272Lehigh†
3/19W 10-2298New York Tech4/16W 11-5272Lehigh†
3/24W 9-5268Princeton4/16W 1-0272Lehigh†
3/25L 2-5268Princeton4/22W 7-3266Army†
3/25L 2-4268Princeton4/22L 2-9266Army†
3/26W 8-6268Princeton4/23W 10-6266Army†
4/4L 3-6186Wofford4/23W 7-2266Army†
4/5W 11-3291Coppin State5/14L 0-5239Bucknell†
4/8W 4-1289Lafayette†
4/8W 10-6289Lafayette†
4/9W 9-6289Lafayette†
4/9W 7-1289Lafayette†
4/11W 11-6255Towson
4/19W 11-2214George Mason
4/29L 0-5239Bucknell†
4/29W 5-4239Bucknell†
4/30W 11-1239Bucknell†
4/30W 6-1239Bucknell†
5/2L 1-10217Maryland-Baltimore County
5/7W 3-0300Susquehanna
5/13L 1-4239Bucknell†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/24 11-3vs 140Air Force3/25 2-5 268Princeton
3/11 3-2 156Marist3/25 2-4 268Princeton
3/4 8-7 181Cornell4/22 2-9at 266Army
3/10 7-3 189Central Connecticut State2/28 3-11 249Georgetown
3/12 11-6 189Central Connecticut State4/29 0-5 239Bucknell
4/19 11-2 214George Mason5/13 1-4 239Bucknell
4/2 11-8at 225Holy Cross5/14 0-5at 239Bucknell
4/3 6-1at 225Holy Cross2/18 2-3at 229North Carolina Central
2/19 9-6at 229North Carolina Central2/18 7-8at 229North Carolina Central
4/29 5-4 239Bucknell4/2 3-6at 225Holy Cross
4/30 11-1 239Bucknell4/3 7-8at 225Holy Cross
4/30 6-1 239Bucknell5/2 1-10 217Maryland-Baltimore County
3/29 6-2at 249Georgetown4/4 3-6 186Wofford
4/11 11-6 255Towson3/4 2-5 181Cornell
4/22 7-3at 266Army3/5 5-8 181Cornell
4/23 10-6at 266Army2/25 8-19vs 140Air Force
4/23 7-2at 266Army2/26 2-3vs 140Air Force
3/24 9-5 268Princeton
3/26 8-6 268Princeton
4/15 2-1at 272Lehigh
4/15 3-2at 272Lehigh
4/16 11-5at 272Lehigh
4/16 1-0at 272Lehigh
3/16 3-2 279Delaware State
3/22 18-0at 279Delaware State
4/8 4-1 289Lafayette
4/8 10-6 289Lafayette
4/9 9-6 289Lafayette
4/9 7-1 289Lafayette
4/5 11-3 291Coppin State
3/8 17-5 297Maryland-Eastern Shore
4/12 13-5at 297Maryland-Eastern Shore
3/17 10-5 298New York Tech
3/18 15-3 298New York Tech
3/18 12-0 298New York Tech
3/19 10-2 298New York Tech
5/7 3-0 300Susquehanna

© Copyright 2017 Paul Kislanko