Virginia Military Common Opponents (166)

25 Jun 2014 3:47pm (US Central)

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Akron28-29
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (22-23)4/25/2014L 2-3 at
L 5-6 3/1/20144/26/2014L 3-6 at
4/27/2014L 6-11 at
5/22/2014W 7-1 vs
5/24/2014W 5-4 12 vs
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (22-33)2/16/2014L 5-6 10 at
L 3-6 at4/26/20142/16/2014L 2-6 at
L 2-3 at4/27/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Alabama37-24
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (35-22)3/14/2014W 3-0
3/15/2014L 2-7
3/15/2014W 5-3 10
5/20/2014L 1-7 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Alabama-Birmingham35-21
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-23)3/14/2014W 4-2 at
L 5-15 at3/12/20143/15/2014W 8-6 at
W 4-3 5/13/20143/16/2014L 1-4 at

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Albany12-33
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (23-23)5/17/2014W 5-2
W 4-2 3/8/20145/17/2014W 5-4 7
W 4-1 3/9/20145/18/2014L 3-7
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (38-20)2/28/2014W 6-3 at
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0Appalachian State21-34
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-21)3/5/2014L 4-8 vs
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (31-20)4/8/2014L 5-6
W 4-3 at4/12/2014
W 4-2 16 at4/13/2014
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-26)4/16/2014L 2-4 at
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (21-29)4/23/2014L 6-10
L 2-5 at3/29/2014
W 6-2 at3/30/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Arkansas40-25
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (38-17)5/30/2014W 3-2 vs
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-14)5/31/2014L 0-3 vs
W 3-2 at2/25/20146/1/2014L 2-9 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Army33-18
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (15-19)4/5/2014W 2-1 7
W 10-3 2/22/20144/5/2014W 4-2
W 3-1 2/23/20144/6/2014W 5-3 7
4/6/2014W 9-1
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (32-20)2/14/2014L 3-21 at
2/16/2014W 4-2 at
2/16/2014L 6-7 at
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-21)3/1/2014L 5-6 at
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Auburn28-28
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (18-29)2/28/2014L 6-10
W 6-5 3/22/20143/1/2014W 3-0
W 5-4 3/23/20143/2/2014W 12-5
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (35-23)5/9/2014L 3-6 at
5/10/2014W 8-1 at
5/11/2014L 5-6 10 at

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0Ball State37-18
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (35-23)3/7/2014W 10-8 10 at
3/8/2014L 1-24 at
3/9/2014L 3-26 at
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-24)3/29/2014L 13-14 11 vs
L 5-6 3/1/20143/29/2014W 5-2 vs
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (37-17)3/1/2014L 0-13 at
L 0-4 at4/5/20143/2/2014W 4-3 at
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (36-21)3/11/2014L 0-4 at
L 2-3 5/10/20143/12/2014L 3-4 at
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Baylor26-31
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (28-27)3/2/2014L 3-5 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Bethune-Cookman27-33
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (13-33)5/14/2014W 4-0 vs

23-22Virginia Military2(1 Common Ops)1Binghamton24-25
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (15-33)2/21/2014W 12-2 at
2/22/2014L 2-9 7 at
2/22/2014L 9-11 at
2/23/2014W 9-7 at

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Boston College22-33
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (49-14)3/14/2014L 1-8 at
W 3-2 at2/25/20143/15/2014L 2-3 12 at
3/15/2014L 1-2 at
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (27-25)3/21/2014W 2-1 vs
3/21/2014L 2-6 vs
3/22/2014L 0-8 vs
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (23-24)5/10/2014L 3-9
W 4-2 3/8/20145/11/2014W 5-3
W 4-1 3/9/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Bowling Green State25-27
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-23)5/17/2014L 1-8 at
L 5-6 3/1/20145/17/2014W 8-5 at
5/17/2014W 7-1 at
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (30-19)3/8/2014L 2-11 at
W 4-3 at4/12/20143/9/2014L 2-4 at
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20143/9/2014W 7-4 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Brown13-24
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (33-20)3/22/2014L 4-16 at
3/24/2014W 16-15 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Bryant42-16
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (29-21)3/8/2014L 6-7 11 at
L 1-5 3/15/20143/8/2014W 11-6 at
W 9-8 3/15/20143/9/2014L 7-8 11 at

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0Bucknell31-21
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-14)5/30/2014L 1-10 vs
W 3-2 at2/25/2014
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (14-20)4/19/2014W 4-0 7 at
W 10-3 2/22/20144/19/2014W 4-1 at
W 3-1 2/23/20144/20/2014W 5-4 7 at
4/20/2014L 3-7 at
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (24-24)4/8/2014W 4-1 at
W 4-2 3/8/2014
W 4-1 3/9/2014
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (38-17)5/31/2014W 5-2 vs
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014

24-22Virginia Military1(3 Common Ops)1Buffalo25-25
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (15-22)3/15/2014W 2-1 vs
W 10-3 2/22/2014
W 3-1 2/23/2014
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (13-32)2/28/2014W 11-1 vs
3/2/2014W 5-3 10 vs
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (36-19)3/15/2014L 0-1 at

25-20Virginia Military0(11 Common Ops)3Campbell38-21
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (27-27)4/8/2014L 0-3 at
5/13/2014L 0-3
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (34-24)5/31/2014W 4-1 12 vs
L 5-15 at3/12/2014
W 4-3 5/13/2014
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (29-21)4/17/2014L 3-10 at
L 1-5 3/15/20144/18/2014W 5-4 at
W 9-8 3/15/20144/19/2014L 4-5 13 at
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-28)4/4/2014W 4-0
W 6-5 3/22/20144/5/2014W 10-1
W 5-4 3/23/20144/6/2014W 4-1
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (21-27)5/2/2014L 5-6
L 2-5 at3/29/20145/3/2014W 7-2
W 6-2 at3/30/20145/4/2014W 5-2
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (36-17)3/14/2014L 1-17 at
L 0-4 at4/5/20143/15/2014L 1-5 at
L 0-17 at4/6/20143/15/2014W 6-5 13 at
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (32-20)3/8/2014L 6-7
3/8/2014W 2-1
3/9/2014L 7-19
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (30-17)3/30/2014L 6-8
W 4-3 at4/12/20143/30/2014W 8-5
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20143/31/2014L 2-10
5/24/2014W 3-1 vs
5/24/2014W 2-1 7 vs
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (20-29)3/21/2014W 4-1 10 at
L 4-6 4/18/20143/22/2014W 7-3 at
L 0-3 4/19/20143/23/2014W 3-0 at
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (24-32)5/25/2014W 9-1 vs
L 3-6 at4/26/2014
L 2-3 at4/27/2014
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (29-23)5/22/2014W 6-2 vs
L 2-11 5/17/2014
W 4-3 5/17/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Canisius40-16
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (25-21)3/19/2014W 12-11
L 5-6 3/1/20143/25/2014W 12-11
4/22/2014W 15-3 7 at
4/22/2014W 2-1 7 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Central Florida36-23
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (18-29)5/9/2014W 10-0
W 6-5 3/22/20145/10/2014L 3-6
W 5-4 3/23/20145/11/2014W 11-2

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Central Michigan34-23
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-23)4/5/2014W 6-3
L 5-6 3/1/20144/5/2014W 6-5
4/6/2014L 3-11

23-22Virginia Military2(7 Common Ops)1Charleston Southern29-24
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (28-22)3/21/2014L 9-10 12
L 1-5 3/15/20143/22/2014L 4-18
W 9-8 3/15/20143/23/2014L 2-8
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (18-29)5/2/2014W 4-2 at
W 6-5 3/22/20145/3/2014W 4-0 at
W 5-4 3/23/20145/4/2014L 4-5 at
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (21-27)4/11/2014W 11-4
L 2-5 at3/29/20144/12/2014L 7-18
W 6-2 at3/30/20144/13/2014W 5-3
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (29-20)4/4/2014L 1-6
W 4-3 at4/12/20144/5/2014L 4-6
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20144/5/2014L 9-10
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (18-31)3/14/2014W 2-1 at
L 4-6 4/18/20143/15/2014L 4-9 at
L 0-3 4/19/20143/16/2014L 7-8 12 at
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (23-30)5/9/2014W 8-6
L 3-6 at4/26/20145/10/2014W 10-2
L 2-3 at4/27/20145/11/2014W 6-4
5/20/2014L 0-4 vs
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-21)5/22/2014L 2-6 vs
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Cincinnati22-31
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (35-24)3/5/2014L 0-7 at
3/5/2014L 4-11 at
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (29-25)2/21/2014W 5-0 at
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (30-22)2/22/2014L 5-6 vs
L 1-5 3/15/2014
W 9-8 3/15/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(7 Common Ops)0Clemson36-25
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-30)2/25/2014W 4-2
W 6-5 3/22/2014
W 5-4 3/23/2014
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-24)3/14/2014L 3-4 at
3/15/2014W 16-6 at
3/15/2014W 7-4 at
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (24-32)4/2/2014W 4-2
L 3-6 at4/26/2014
L 2-3 at4/27/2014
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-13)4/11/2014L 2-3 at
W 3-2 at2/25/20144/12/2014W 7-1 at
4/13/2014L 0-1 at
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (37-18)4/22/2014L 3-4
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (17-33)5/2/2014W 8-0
5/3/2014W 9-4
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (32-19)5/7/2014W 1-0
W 4-3 at4/12/2014
W 4-2 16 at4/13/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(10 Common Ops)0Coastal Carolina24-33
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (27-27)3/19/2014L 3-7
4/2/2014L 4-5 at
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (29-25)3/11/2014W 7-3
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (30-20)4/11/2014W 8-3 at
L 1-5 3/15/20144/12/2014L 4-5 at
W 9-8 3/15/20144/13/2014W 9-3 at
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-28)4/17/2014W 4-3 13
W 6-5 3/22/20144/18/2014W 4-0
W 5-4 3/23/20144/19/2014W 9-3
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (20-28)4/25/2014L 6-7 at
L 2-5 at3/29/20144/26/2014W 3-0 at
W 6-2 at3/30/20144/27/2014L 2-10 at
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (35-18)5/9/2014L 1-7 at
L 0-4 at4/5/20145/10/2014L 3-4 at
L 0-17 at4/6/20145/11/2014L 1-2 at
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (30-19)3/14/2014L 0-3 at
W 4-3 at4/12/20143/15/2014W 1-0 at
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20143/15/2014L 8-11 at
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (21-32)3/21/2014L 1-2
L 3-6 at4/26/20143/22/2014W 9-3
L 2-3 at4/27/20143/23/2014L 3-11
5/22/2014L 2-3 vs
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (36-19)5/16/2014L 4-7
L 2-3 5/10/20145/17/2014W 10-7
L 6-7 10 5/11/20145/20/2014W 9-2 vs
5/23/2014L 11-15 vs
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (28-22)3/28/2014W 7-3
L 2-11 5/17/20143/29/2014L 1-3
W 4-3 5/17/20143/30/2014W 8-2

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0College of Charleston44-19
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (27-25)5/2/2014L 0-5 at
5/3/2014L 2-3 at
5/4/2014W 7-4 at
5/22/2014W 7-4 vs
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (33-17)5/16/2014W 3-2 23
5/17/2014W 5-2 7
5/17/2014L 0-6
5/23/2014W 3-1 vs
5/24/2014W 6-4 vs
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (17-32)4/19/2014W 6-2
4/19/2014W 5-0
4/20/2014W 12-2
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (29-22)2/19/2014W 12-3
L 2-11 5/17/20143/19/2014W 9-2 at
W 4-3 5/17/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Coppin State12-34
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (9-29)3/15/2014W 11-4
3/15/2014W 6-3 7
3/16/2014L 3-14 8
4/5/2014L 1-9 at
4/5/2014W 14-3 7 at
4/6/2014W 4-3 at
4/26/2014L 1-4
4/26/2014L 4-11 7
4/27/2014W 4-3
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (23-27)5/6/2014L 3-7
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (22-33)2/22/2014L 4-8 at
L 3-6 at4/26/20142/23/2014L 1-3 at
L 2-3 at4/27/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Cornell18-21
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (22-24)4/9/2014W 6-1 at
W 4-2 3/8/20144/17/2014L 0-7
W 4-1 3/9/20144/22/2014L 6-8
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-33)3/15/2014L 15-16 at
3/15/2014W 17-8 at
3/16/2014W 14-8 10 at

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Davidson29-19
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-25)2/18/2014L 3-4 12 at
3/19/2014W 7-6
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (23-32)4/1/2014W 3-0
L 3-6 at4/26/20144/29/2014L 4-8 at
L 2-3 at4/27/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Dayton23-30
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (23-25)3/21/2014W 19-10
3/22/2014L 2-4 10
3/23/2014W 10-9 10

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0Delaware26-26
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (27-25)4/25/2014L 1-5
4/26/2014W 7-3
4/27/2014W 4-3
5/23/2014L 3-5 vs
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (31-21)3/28/2014L 4-5 at
3/28/2014L 10-13 at
5/22/2014L 4-11 vs
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-33)5/15/2014W 11-5
5/15/2014W 13-9
5/17/2014L 5-7
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-20)2/22/2014L 2-9 at
L 2-3 5/10/20142/23/2014W 6-2 at
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Delaware State30-17
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (11-30)4/18/2014L 2-3 11
4/18/2014L 1-5 7
4/19/2014W 16-6 7
4/19/2014W 15-8 7 vs
5/9/2014W 8-3 at
5/9/2014W 5-3 7 at

25-23Virginia Military0(7 Common Ops)0Duke33-25
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-13)3/8/2014L 2-3
W 3-2 at2/25/20143/8/2014W 3-2
3/9/2014L 1-2
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (13-33)3/18/2014W 15-7
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (29-23)4/25/2014W 5-2 at
4/26/2014W 6-5 at
4/27/2014W 8-6 at
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (23-23)2/15/2014W 7-3
W 4-2 3/8/20142/15/2014W 5-1
W 4-1 3/9/20142/16/2014L 6-7
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (36-18)3/5/2014L 2-8 11
L 0-4 at4/5/20144/1/2014L 3-4 at
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (24-26)5/13/2014W 10-3
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (19-30)5/4/2014W 10-4
L 4-6 4/18/20145/4/2014L 1-2
L 0-3 4/19/20145/5/2014W 6-1

25-23Virginia Military0(8 Common Ops)0East Carolina33-26
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-33)2/14/2014W 6-5
2/15/2014L 2-5
2/16/2014W 4-2
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (38-20)2/18/2014W 8-3
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (49-14)2/21/2014L 2-3 at
W 3-2 at2/25/20142/22/2014L 0-4 at
2/23/2014L 2-6 at
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (35-19)2/25/2014L 0-3 at
3/19/2014L 4-8
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-26)3/12/2014L 4-5 vs
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (31-24)4/11/2014L 3-7 at
L 5-15 at3/12/20144/12/2014L 5-9 at
W 4-3 5/13/20144/13/2014W 12-7 12 at
4/21/2014L 3-5
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (29-26)4/16/2014W 8-5
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (32-19)5/13/2014W 7-4
W 4-3 at4/12/2014
W 4-2 16 at4/13/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0East Tennessee State27-30
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (30-21)4/23/2014L 6-7
L 1-5 3/15/20144/30/2014W 5-4
W 9-8 3/15/2014
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (19-30)2/16/2014L 4-6
L 4-6 4/18/20142/17/2014W 7-3
L 0-3 4/19/20142/17/2014W 5-4 12

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Eastern Michigan16-34
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (34-24)2/28/2014L 2-8 at
3/1/2014L 5-9 at
3/1/2014L 2-13 at

25-23Virginia Military0(6 Common Ops)0Elon27-26
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (28-26)2/25/2014W 3-2
4/22/2014L 7-10 at
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-26)3/26/2014L 2-3 12
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (22-28)3/2/2014W 5-0
L 2-5 at3/29/2014
W 6-2 at3/30/2014
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (37-17)3/11/2014L 2-4
L 0-4 at4/5/20145/13/2014W 7-6 at
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (30-19)3/1/2014L 2-6
W 4-3 at4/12/20143/5/2014L 1-2 12 at
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20144/9/2014W 12-5
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (38-20)4/2/2014W 2-1
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Fairfield32-24
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (22-26)3/1/2014L 2-13 at
3/1/2014W 6-2 at
3/2/2014L 0-8 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Fairleigh Dickinson15-32
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (12-23)3/8/2014L 0-8
W 10-3 2/22/20143/9/2014L 4-11 7
W 3-1 2/23/20143/9/2014L 2-6 7

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Florida40-23
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (34-22)4/4/2014L 1-17 at
4/5/2014W 11-10 at
4/6/2014L 8-9 at
5/21/2014L 2-4 vs
5/24/2014W 6-5 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Florida Atlantic28-25
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-23)5/2/2014W 9-4 at
L 5-15 at3/12/20145/3/2014W 8-7 at
W 4-3 5/13/20145/4/2014L 1-12 7 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Florida International34-20
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (31-24)4/4/2014L 1-2
L 5-15 at3/12/20144/5/2014L 2-4
W 4-3 5/13/20144/6/2014W 1-0
5/22/2014L 2-3 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Florida State43-17
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-24)4/18/2014W 7-1 at
4/19/2014W 4-3 13 at
4/20/2014L 2-5 at
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-12)4/25/2014L 3-5 10
W 3-2 at2/25/20144/26/2014W 7-0
4/27/2014L 3-4
5/24/2014W 6-4 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Fordham24-30
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (18-31)2/22/2014L 3-9 vs
W 6-5 3/22/2014
W 5-4 3/23/2014
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (36-17)5/15/2014W 6-3
5/15/2014W 12-6
5/17/2014L 2-5

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Furman26-33
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-30)3/25/2014W 9-3
W 6-5 3/22/2014
W 5-4 3/23/2014
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (19-28)3/8/2014L 3-15
L 2-5 at3/29/20143/8/2014L 6-7
W 6-2 at3/30/20143/9/2014L 2-3 10 at
4/30/2014W 9-0 at
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (34-19)2/21/2014L 9-14
2/22/2014L 7-8
2/23/2014L 2-3 10

23-22Virginia Military2(9 Common Ops)1Gardner-Webb22-29
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (30-22)5/22/2014L 4-5 vs
L 1-5 3/15/2014
W 9-8 3/15/2014
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (17-30)5/16/2014L 1-2 at
W 6-5 3/22/20145/16/2014W 10-0 at
W 5-4 3/23/20145/17/2014L 1-4 at
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (35-18)4/17/2014L 1-5
L 0-4 at4/5/20144/18/2014L 1-4
L 0-17 at4/6/20145/20/2014L 0-3 vs
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (34-18)5/8/2014W 2-0
5/9/2014W 4-3
5/10/2014W 6-0
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (31-20)2/28/2014L 1-2 11 vs
W 4-3 at4/12/2014
W 4-2 16 at4/13/2014
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (20-29)4/4/2014W 6-1
L 4-6 4/18/20144/5/2014W 9-8
L 0-3 4/19/20144/6/2014W 4-3
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (22-32)3/14/2014L 2-3
L 3-6 at4/26/20143/15/2014L 3-7
L 2-3 at4/27/20143/15/2014W 8-0
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (36-20)5/2/2014W 6-5 at
L 2-3 5/10/20145/3/2014L 2-7 at
L 6-7 10 5/11/20145/4/2014L 2-5 at
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (27-23)4/11/2014L 4-11 at
L 2-11 5/17/20144/12/2014W 18-7 at
W 4-3 5/17/20144/13/2014L 3-5 at

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0George Mason34-22
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (37-16)3/28/2014W 6-1
5/23/2014W 3-0 vs
5/24/2014W 3-2 10 vs
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (20-30)2/26/2014W 2-1 at
L 4-6 4/18/20145/6/2014W 2-0
L 0-3 4/19/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(5 Common Ops)0George Washington20-30
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-14)4/2/2014L 0-10 at
W 3-2 at2/25/2014
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (13-22)3/1/2014L 2-4
W 10-3 2/22/20143/1/2014W 1-0 10
W 3-1 2/23/20143/2/2014L 2-3
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (13-32)2/19/2014W 3-2
4/23/2014W 14-1 at
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (35-18)5/2/2014L 2-4 at
5/3/2014L 2-4 at
5/4/2014W 10-5 at
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (21-27)4/26/2014L 3-6 at
4/26/2014L 1-3 at
4/27/2014L 2-6 at

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Georgetown19-29
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (13-32)4/22/2014W 7-3 7
4/22/2014W 7-2 7
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-26)2/16/2014L 2-3 at

25-23Virginia Military0(5 Common Ops)0Georgia26-29
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (35-23)5/15/2014L 0-13
5/16/2014L 0-10
5/17/2014W 11-10
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (25-24)3/7/2014W 11-10
L 5-6 3/1/2014
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (24-22)2/28/2014W 4-3 11
W 4-2 3/8/20143/1/2014W 6-2
W 4-1 3/9/20143/2/2014W 9-2
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-30)3/18/2014W 11-0
W 6-5 3/22/2014
W 5-4 3/23/2014
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (29-23)3/5/2014W 14-5
L 2-11 5/17/2014
W 4-3 5/17/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Georgia Southern40-23
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (13-30)2/21/2014W 23-0
2/22/2014W 9-3
2/22/2014W 10-1
2/23/2014W 8-3

25-23Virginia Military0(5 Common Ops)0Georgia Tech37-27
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (34-24)2/14/2014W 6-5
L 5-15 at3/12/2014
W 4-3 5/13/2014
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (30-22)2/15/2014L 1-3
L 1-5 3/15/2014
W 9-8 3/15/2014
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (36-19)2/16/2014L 3-5
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (27-24)3/7/2014L 2-9
3/8/2014L 8-12
3/9/2014W 5-1
5/20/2014W 5-3 vs
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (49-14)5/9/2014L 3-4 at
W 3-2 at2/25/20145/10/2014L 3-4 11 at
5/11/2014L 1-3 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Hartford31-23
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (20-21)3/22/2014W 3-0
W 4-2 3/8/20143/22/2014L 0-2 7
W 4-1 3/9/20143/23/2014W 3-2
4/26/2014W 9-1 at
4/26/2014L 3-13 7 at
4/27/2014L 3-4 11 at
5/22/2014W 6-1 vs
5/24/2014L 0-8 vs

23-22Virginia Military2(9 Common Ops)1High Point32-20
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-25)4/1/2014W 5-1
4/2/2014L 6-10 at
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (29-20)5/2/2014W 10-8
L 1-5 3/15/20145/3/2014L 1-3
W 9-8 3/15/20145/4/2014L 3-8
5/20/2014W 3-2 vs
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (22-28)2/28/2014W 2-1 11 vs
L 2-5 at3/29/2014
W 6-2 at3/30/2014
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (35-17)3/21/2014L 4-6 at
L 0-4 at4/5/20143/22/2014L 1-8 at
L 0-17 at4/6/20143/23/2014L 1-4 at
5/22/2014W 9-0 vs
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (33-19)2/21/2014L 2-4 10
2/22/2014W 6-3
2/23/2014W 9-8 11
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (20-29)5/9/2014W 3-0 at
L 4-6 4/18/20145/10/2014W 6-4 at
L 0-3 4/19/20145/11/2014W 4-3 10 at
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (24-30)4/17/2014W 6-0
L 3-6 at4/26/20144/18/2014W 7-4
L 2-3 at4/27/20144/18/2014W 4-2
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (35-19)3/30/2014W 8-6 at
L 2-3 5/10/20143/30/2014L 5-8 at
L 6-7 10 5/11/20143/31/2014W 10-2 at
5/24/2014L 1-3 vs
5/24/2014L 1-2 7 vs
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (29-21)4/4/2014W 6-1 at
L 2-11 5/17/20144/5/2014W 6-4 at
W 4-3 5/17/20144/5/2014W 10-9 at

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Hofstra19-24
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (28-25)4/11/2014L 2-9 at
4/12/2014W 11-5 at
4/13/2014W 3-1 at
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (32-20)4/26/2014L 1-12 at
4/26/2014W 7-4 at
4/27/2014L 0-7 at
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (15-34)4/4/2014W 5-2
4/5/2014L 3-8
4/6/2014L 4-9

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Holy Cross13-31
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (14-22)3/29/2014L 2-3 7
W 10-3 2/22/20143/29/2014W 6-5
W 3-1 2/23/2014
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (26-23)3/1/2014L 0-1 15 at
L 2-11 5/17/20143/1/2014W 7-1 at
W 4-3 5/17/20143/2/2014L 4-10 at
3/3/2014L 7-12 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Indiana44-15
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (37-23)3/11/2014W 7-2

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Indiana State35-18
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (28-25)3/14/2014L 2-3 at
3/15/2014W 11-5 at
3/15/2014W 6-1 at

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Iona13-31
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (31-21)3/14/2014L 1-31 at
3/15/2014L 4-16 at
3/16/2014L 0-2 at
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-21)3/19/2014L 0-6 at
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Jacksonville21-33
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (23-31)2/28/2014L 1-4
L 3-6 at4/26/20143/1/2014W 4-0
L 2-3 at4/27/20143/2/2014W 8-0

24-23Virginia Military1(6 Common Ops)0James Madison17-35
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (19-31)2/19/2014W 14-7
L 4-6 4/18/20145/13/2014L 7-13 at
L 0-3 4/19/2014
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (22-23)2/21/2014L 2-12
W 4-2 3/8/20142/22/2014W 9-2 7
W 4-1 3/9/20142/22/2014W 11-9
2/23/2014L 7-9
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-14)3/11/2014L 2-13 at
W 3-2 at2/25/20144/8/2014L 3-9
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (27-26)3/28/2014W 6-5
3/29/2014L 4-6
5/21/2014L 10-11 10 vs
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (30-22)4/9/2014L 5-14 at
L 1-5 3/15/2014
W 9-8 3/15/2014
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (32-20)4/12/2014L 5-13
4/12/2014W 9-8
4/13/2014L 6-24

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Kansas35-26
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-23)5/30/2014W 10-6 vs
6/1/2014L 6-8 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Kennesaw State40-24
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (20-27)2/21/2014W 2-1 11
L 2-5 at3/29/20142/22/2014L 4-8
W 6-2 at3/30/20142/22/2014L 0-3 7
2/23/2014W 10-6

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0Kent State35-23
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (24-31)2/21/2014W 8-5 at
L 3-6 at4/26/20142/22/2014W 9-4 15 at
L 2-3 at4/27/2014
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (35-18)3/8/2014L 2-6 at
L 0-4 at4/5/20143/8/2014L 2-4 at
L 0-17 at4/6/20143/9/2014L 1-9 at
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-23)4/18/2014L 0-6
L 5-6 3/1/20144/19/2014W 8-4
4/20/2014W 7-4
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)5/31/2014L 2-4 vs

24-23Virginia Military1(3 Common Ops)0Kentucky37-24
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (52-13)2/14/2014W 8-3 vs
W 3-2 at2/25/2014
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (29-26)2/15/2014W 10-4 at
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (34-24)2/22/2014W 7-5 at
L 5-15 at3/12/2014
W 4-3 5/13/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0La Salle14-34
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (35-18)4/18/2014W 6-3 at
4/19/2014L 1-11 at
4/20/2014L 3-4 at
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (23-25)4/4/2014W 4-3 at
4/5/2014L 4-8 at
4/6/2014W 6-3 at
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (35-21)2/15/2014L 2-9 at
L 2-3 5/10/20142/16/2014L 4-9 at
L 6-7 10 5/11/20142/16/2014L 6-10 at

22-23Virginia Military3(2 Common Ops)0Lafayette15-23
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-25)3/15/2014L 1-2 vs
L 5-6 3/1/2014
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (36-19)3/14/2014L 2-3 at

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Lehigh25-24
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (14-20)4/26/2014W 7-2 7
W 10-3 2/22/20144/26/2014W 4-2
W 3-1 2/23/20144/27/2014L 1-2 7
4/27/2014W 5-1
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (12-33)4/16/2014W 6-3 7
4/16/2014L 3-11 7

25-20Virginia Military0(11 Common Ops)3Liberty38-18
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (24-25)2/16/2014W 11-6 vs
4/8/2014W 10-7
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-24)2/18/2014L 4-7
L 5-15 at3/12/20143/19/2014W 1-0 16 at
W 4-3 5/13/2014
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (28-26)2/22/2014W 14-6 at
2/23/2014L 0-11 at
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-19)3/14/2014W 17-1
L 2-3 5/10/20143/15/2014W 5-1
L 6-7 10 5/11/20143/15/2014L 5-6 13
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (31-17)3/21/2014W 6-4
W 4-3 at4/12/20143/22/2014W 8-1
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20143/23/2014W 4-1
5/22/2014L 0-9 vs
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-28)3/28/2014W 5-0 at
W 6-5 3/22/20143/29/2014W 8-0 at
W 5-4 3/23/20143/30/2014W 8-0 at
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (20-29)4/11/2014W 10-4 at
L 4-6 4/18/20144/12/2014W 8-5 at
L 0-3 4/19/20144/13/2014W 6-1 at
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (22-26)4/17/2014W 5-1 at
L 2-5 at3/29/20144/18/2014W 4-1 at
W 6-2 at3/30/20145/20/2014W 3-0 vs
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-14)5/7/2014L 2-8 at
W 3-2 at2/25/2014
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (29-20)5/16/2014L 1-4 at
L 1-5 3/15/20145/16/2014W 9-4 at
W 9-8 3/15/20145/17/2014L 2-4 at
5/23/2014W 4-3 vs
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (23-33)5/24/2014L 5-6 vs
L 3-6 at4/26/2014
L 2-3 at4/27/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Long Island25-25
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (32-24)5/16/2014L 3-7 at
L 5-15 at3/12/20145/17/2014L 2-5 at
W 4-3 5/13/20145/17/2014W 4-2 10 at

24-21Virginia Military1(12 Common Ops)2Longwood20-32
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-14)3/26/2014L 1-8 at
W 3-2 at2/25/2014
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (30-20)3/29/2014W 4-2 at
L 1-5 3/15/20143/31/2014W 5-4 at
W 9-8 3/15/20143/31/2014L 3-8 at
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (18-29)4/25/2014W 4-1
W 6-5 3/22/20144/26/2014L 5-6
W 5-4 3/23/20144/27/2014W 10-7
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (19-29)4/4/2014L 1-6 at
L 2-5 at3/29/20144/5/2014L 8-9 at
W 6-2 at3/30/20144/6/2014L 3-4 at
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (35-18)4/11/2014L 4-10
L 0-4 at4/5/20144/12/2014L 5-8
L 0-17 at4/6/20144/13/2014L 1-6
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (34-20)3/19/2014W 9-7 at
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (23-27)4/2/2014L 4-6
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (29-20)5/9/2014L 0-3
W 4-3 at4/12/20145/10/2014L 4-6
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20145/11/2014L 3-4 10
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-34)2/19/2014L 7-14 at
5/13/2014W 13-7
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (22-32)5/16/2014L 3-4 at
L 3-6 at4/26/20145/16/2014W 10-6 at
L 2-3 at4/27/20145/17/2014L 2-5 at
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (35-21)3/21/2014L 1-4 10
L 2-3 5/10/20143/22/2014L 3-7
L 6-7 10 5/11/20143/23/2014L 0-3
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (28-22)3/14/2014L 1-2
L 2-11 5/17/20143/15/2014W 9-4
W 4-3 5/17/20143/16/2014W 8-7 12

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Louisiana Tech15-35
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (32-24)3/21/2014L 6-8
L 5-15 at3/12/20143/22/2014W 9-6 12
W 4-3 5/13/20143/22/2014L 2-7

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Louisville50-17
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (35-23)4/1/2014L 3-8 at
4/15/2014L 2-4
6/1/2014W 4-1 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Maine21-29
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (18-31)3/8/2014L 5-12 vs
W 6-5 3/22/2014
W 5-4 3/23/2014
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (21-24)4/19/2014W 3-0 at
W 4-2 3/8/20144/19/2014L 1-7 7 at
W 4-1 3/9/20144/20/2014L 2-8 at
5/23/2014L 3-6 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Manhattan17-33
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (36-21)2/21/2014L 2-12 at
L 2-3 5/10/20142/22/2014L 4-7 at
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Marist17-32
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (17-31)2/21/2014L 3-5 at
L 4-6 4/18/20142/22/2014L 4-16 at
L 0-3 4/19/20142/22/2014L 2-3 at
2/23/2014W 4-2 at

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Marshall16-31
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-25)2/17/2014L 3-4 at
2/17/2014W 4-1 at
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (31-25)5/9/2014L 3-6
L 5-15 at3/12/20145/11/2014L 1-9 7
W 4-3 5/13/20145/11/2014L 3-8 7
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-35)2/28/2014L 5-8 10 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(6 Common Ops)0Maryland40-23
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-34)2/25/2014W 13-6 at
4/29/2014L 3-6
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (37-17)4/1/2014W 5-2
5/6/2014W 12-1 at
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (38-17)4/2/2014W 8-3
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (27-25)4/4/2014L 4-6 at
4/5/2014L 2-5 at
4/6/2014W 11-3 at
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-12)5/22/2014W 7-6 vs
W 3-2 at2/25/20146/7/2014W 5-4 vs
6/8/2014L 3-7 vs
6/9/2014L 2-11 vs
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (34-24)5/30/2014W 4-3 vs
L 5-15 at3/12/2014
W 4-3 5/13/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Maryland-Baltimore County17-29
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (13-33)4/2/2014W 5-2
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (21-25)4/5/2014L 3-16 at
W 4-2 3/8/20144/6/2014L 3-7 at
W 4-1 3/9/20144/6/2014L 4-8 7 at
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (31-21)2/28/2014L 1-2 at
3/1/2014L 6-15 at
3/2/2014L 2-7 at

24-23Virginia Military1(1 Common Ops)0Maryland-Eastern Shore13-34
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (23-25)2/28/2014L 1-11 vs
L 5-6 3/1/20143/2/2014L 3-5 10 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Massachusetts15-31
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (36-17)5/9/2014W 5-4 10
5/10/2014L 6-10
5/11/2014W 5-4
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (21-27)3/28/2014L 4-6 at
3/28/2014L 1-10 at
3/29/2014L 5-8 at

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Massachusetts-Lowell20-22
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (22-22)3/15/2014W 4-2 vs
W 4-2 3/8/20143/15/2014W 4-2 7 vs
W 4-1 3/9/20145/3/2014L 6-10 at
5/3/2014W 3-2 7 at
5/4/2014L 3-7 at
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (33-21)3/21/2014L 4-16 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Mercer38-17
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (32-17)2/15/2014W 5-2
W 4-3 at4/12/20142/15/2014W 5-4
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20142/16/2014W 4-3

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Miami Florida44-19
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-13)3/22/2014W 7-1
W 3-2 at2/25/20143/23/2014L 3-8 11
3/24/2014L 3-5

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Miami Ohio30-27
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (23-22)5/10/2014W 9-8 11 at
L 5-6 3/1/20145/10/2014W 9-7 at
5/11/2014W 5-4 at
5/21/2014L 5-6 vs
5/23/2014L 0-4 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Middle Tennessee State31-27
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (32-22)4/25/2014W 1-0
L 5-15 at3/12/20144/26/2014W 11-8
W 4-3 5/13/20144/27/2014L 3-4 7
5/21/2014W 3-2 vs
5/23/2014L 1-2 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Mississippi48-21
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (37-21)4/25/2014W 12-4 at
4/26/2014W 18-5 at
4/27/2014W 9-6 at
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-14)6/15/2014L 1-2 vs
W 3-2 at2/25/20146/21/2014L 1-4 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Mississippi State39-24
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)5/22/2014L 6-7 12 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(5 Common Ops)0Missouri20-33
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-22)4/11/2014W 8-7 at
4/12/2014L 0-12 at
4/13/2014W 8-3 at
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-26)2/22/2014L 0-1 at
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (31-21)2/21/2014W 15-3 vs
L 1-5 3/15/2014
W 9-8 3/15/2014
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (37-18)2/25/2014L 1-2 vs
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-21)2/26/2014L 3-6 vs
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Monmouth24-25
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (49-14)3/1/2014L 3-6 at
W 3-2 at2/25/20143/2/2014L 3-5 at
3/2/2014L 2-6 5 at
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (15-22)4/23/2014W 9-2 at
W 10-3 2/22/2014
W 3-1 2/23/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Morehead State27-28
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (37-23)4/8/2014W 6-4 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Mount St Mary's17-24
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (11-34)3/10/2014L 3-5 vs
3/10/2014L 4-8 7 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Murray State22-28
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (37-23)5/13/2014W 4-3 12 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Navy22-28
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (13-21)4/12/2014W 6-0 7 at
W 10-3 2/22/20144/12/2014L 4-5 at
W 3-1 2/23/20144/13/2014W 9-8 7 at
4/13/2014L 7-9 at
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (11-34)4/8/2014L 4-10
4/9/2014L 7-8 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Nebraska41-21
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (24-24)5/31/2014W 8-6 vs
W 4-2 3/8/2014
W 4-1 3/9/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Nevada-Las Vegas36-25
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (17-34)5/3/2014W 2-1 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0New Jersey Tech20-25
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (13-32)5/10/2014W 12-0 7 at
5/10/2014W 5-2 7 at
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (23-25)4/1/2014L 0-10
W 4-2 3/8/2014
W 4-1 3/9/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Niagara20-31
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (23-24)5/6/2014L 6-10 at
L 5-6 3/1/20145/7/2014L 9-10 7
5/7/2014W 5-4

25-23Virginia Military0(5 Common Ops)0Norfolk State22-26
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-25)2/21/2014L 1-7
L 5-6 3/1/2014
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (11-27)3/22/2014L 3-9
3/22/2014W 3-1 7
3/23/2014W 7-6
4/12/2014L 5-6 at
4/12/2014W 4-2 7 at
4/13/2014W 13-3 at
5/3/2014W 12-2 7 at
5/3/2014W 7-1 7 at
5/4/2014W 15-1 8 at
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (36-19)4/16/2014L 1-13 7 at
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (34-20)4/9/2014W 3-2 at
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (19-32)3/12/2014L 4-6 at
L 4-6 4/18/2014
L 0-3 4/19/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(7 Common Ops)0North Carolina35-27
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (29-26)4/1/2014W 9-4
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (49-13)4/18/2014L 2-3 at
W 3-2 at2/25/20144/19/2014L 1-3 at
4/20/2014W 4-2 at
5/23/2014L 2-3 vs
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-24)4/11/2014W 9-0
4/12/2014W 4-3
4/13/2014L 5-6
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (22-27)3/12/2014W 7-1
L 2-5 at3/29/20145/13/2014W 7-2 at
W 6-2 at3/30/2014
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (38-17)4/23/2014W 3-1
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (23-33)3/26/2014L 1-3
L 3-6 at4/26/2014
L 2-3 at4/27/2014
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (38-20)5/6/2014W 5-0
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0North Carolina A&T17-32
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (30-21)2/18/2014W 8-6
L 1-5 3/15/20144/21/2014L 1-15 at
W 9-8 3/15/2014
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (31-19)3/19/2014W 7-6 10 at
W 4-3 at4/12/20144/23/2014L 3-25
W 4-2 16 at4/13/2014
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (23-32)3/18/2014L 2-8 at
L 3-6 at4/26/20145/7/2014W 4-1
L 2-3 at4/27/2014
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-21)4/30/2014L 1-4 at
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(6 Common Ops)0North Carolina Central17-33
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (28-27)4/9/2014L 0-9
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (12-23)5/3/2014L 3-10 7 at
W 10-3 2/22/20145/3/2014L 7-8 at
W 3-1 2/23/20145/4/2014L 6-7 at
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (13-33)5/15/2014W 10-5 vs
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-30)2/19/2014L 8-8 13 at
W 6-5 3/22/20145/6/2014W 4-2
W 5-4 3/23/2014
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (31-20)2/25/2014L 3-16 at
W 4-3 at4/12/2014
W 4-2 16 at4/13/2014
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (19-31)3/5/2014W 16-12
L 4-6 4/18/20144/23/2014L 5-11 at
L 0-3 4/19/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(5 Common Ops)0North Carolina State32-23
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (29-25)3/26/2014W 11-2 at
4/23/2014W 10-2
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-24)5/9/2014W 9-1
5/10/2014W 10-2
5/12/2014L 5-8 10
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (31-21)5/13/2014W 6-1 at
L 1-5 3/15/2014
W 9-8 3/15/2014
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (23-27)5/7/2014L 4-7
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-20)4/1/2014W 9-2 12 at
L 2-3 5/10/20144/22/2014L 0-9
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(9 Common Ops)0North Carolina-Asheville13-40
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-26)5/13/2014L 6-11
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (28-22)5/9/2014L 6-12
L 1-5 3/15/20145/10/2014L 2-4 10
W 9-8 3/15/20145/11/2014L 6-11
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (16-31)3/14/2014L 5-6 at
W 6-5 3/22/20143/15/2014L 0-7 at
W 5-4 3/23/20143/15/2014L 6-9 at
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (21-27)3/21/2014W 4-3
L 2-5 at3/29/20143/22/2014L 6-7
W 6-2 at3/30/20143/22/2014W 5-1
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (35-18)4/25/2014L 4-7 at
L 0-4 at4/5/20144/26/2014L 2-4 at
L 0-17 at4/6/20144/27/2014L 3-4 at
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (29-20)5/16/2014L 2-9 at
W 4-3 at4/12/20145/17/2014L 4-5 at
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20145/17/2014L 2-9 at
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (22-32)3/29/2014L 3-4 13 at
L 3-6 at4/26/20143/30/2014L 3-4 at
L 2-3 at4/27/20143/30/2014W 7-6 at
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (35-21)4/11/2014L 1-7 at
L 2-3 5/10/20144/12/2014L 3-9 at
L 6-7 10 5/11/20144/13/2014L 0-3 at
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (27-24)4/17/2014L 1-9
L 2-11 5/17/20144/18/2014L 3-6
W 4-3 5/17/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(5 Common Ops)0North Carolina-Charlotte19-31
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-25)4/22/2014L 3-8 at
4/23/2014W 12-4
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (32-24)3/28/2014L 2-7 at
L 5-15 at3/12/20143/29/2014L 2-6 at
W 4-3 5/13/20143/30/2014W 11-4 at
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (37-18)3/11/2014W 5-4
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (31-20)2/18/2014L 3-4 11 at
W 4-3 at4/12/2014
W 4-2 16 at4/13/2014
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (23-31)3/25/2014W 11-2 at
L 3-6 at4/26/20144/9/2014L 2-5 at
L 2-3 at4/27/20145/13/2014W 5-4

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0North Carolina-Greensboro21-28
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (28-27)3/12/2014L 2-5 at
W 17-0 3/1/2014Maryland-Eastern Shore (13-33)3/19/2014W 16-5
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (29-24)2/25/2014W 11-10 10
4/8/2014W 4-2 at
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (31-20)2/26/2014L 4-7
W 4-3 at4/12/2014
W 4-2 16 at4/13/2014

25-22Virginia Military0(7 Common Ops)1North Carolina-Wilmington29-27
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-14)2/16/2014L 2-7
W 3-2 at2/25/2014
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)2/15/2014L 4-10
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (35-18)3/8/2014W 4-2
3/9/2014L 8-14
3/9/2014L 2-4
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (37-17)2/22/2014L 6-14
L 0-4 at4/5/20142/23/2014W 11-0
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (31-20)4/4/2014W 8-2 at
4/5/2014L 2-14 at
4/6/2014L 2-10 at
5/23/2014L 6-12 vs
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-33)3/28/2014L 5-6 at
3/29/2014W 6-4 at
5/21/2014W 11-10 10 vs
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (38-19)4/8/2014W 3-0
L 2-3 5/10/20145/13/2014W 3-0 at
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0North Florida22-31
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (38-17)2/14/2014W 11-4
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (24-26)2/15/2014W 4-3
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (25-24)3/9/2014W 4-3 12 vs
L 5-6 3/1/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0Northeastern26-29
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (18-30)3/5/2014W 12-11 vs
W 6-5 3/22/20143/8/2014L 3-4 vs
W 5-4 3/23/2014
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (31-21)4/18/2014L 3-5 10
4/19/2014L 2-3
4/20/2014L 6-8
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-32)5/9/2014L 2-3 at
5/10/2014W 8-4 at
5/11/2014W 17-1 at
5/21/2014W 3-1 vs
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (27-26)5/15/2014L 1-3
5/16/2014L 2-3
5/17/2014W 5-3

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Northern Illinois17-36
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (23-24)3/21/2014W 15-9 vs
L 5-6 3/1/20143/22/2014L 2-3
3/23/2014L 1-3

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Notre Dame21-31
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (26-26)3/28/2014L 0-1 vs
3/30/2014L 2-10 vs
3/30/2014L 5-7 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0Ohio11-39
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (27-27)2/22/2014L 3-6 at
2/23/2014L 1-9 at
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-23)5/2/2014W 4-3
L 5-6 3/1/20145/3/2014L 7-10
5/4/2014W 14-8
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (37-17)2/22/2014L 5-8 vs
L 0-4 at4/5/20142/23/2014W 5-4 vs
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (17-31)3/8/2014L 0-1 at
L 4-6 4/18/20143/8/2014L 1-7 at
L 0-3 4/19/20143/9/2014W 9-1 at
3/9/2014L 2-5 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Oklahoma State48-18
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (24-24)5/30/2014W 8-0 vs
W 4-2 3/8/2014
W 4-1 3/9/2014

24-21Virginia Military1(8 Common Ops)2Old Dominion34-25
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (36-18)2/15/2014L 3-6 vs
2/19/2014W 6-4 at
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (31-21)2/16/2014W 8-7 10 vs
L 1-5 3/15/2014
W 9-8 3/15/2014
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (37-17)2/18/2014W 7-4 at
L 0-4 at4/5/20143/19/2014L 0-1 16
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)2/22/2014L 5-7
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (24-26)2/25/2014W 3-0 at
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-13)4/1/2014L 1-7 at
W 3-2 at2/25/20144/29/2014W 8-1 vs
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (34-20)4/2/2014W 20-5
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-21)5/31/2014L 1-4 12 vs
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Penn State18-32
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (21-27)2/16/2014W 6-4 at
L 2-5 at3/29/20142/16/2014L 3-7 at
W 6-2 at3/30/20142/17/2014W 4-3 10 at

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Pennsylvania23-17
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (14-19)3/22/2014W 3-0 7
W 10-3 2/22/20143/22/2014W 8-3
W 3-1 2/23/20143/23/2014L 3-4 8 at
3/23/2014W 11-7 at
4/2/2014W 11-5
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (21-27)3/14/2014L 5-6 11 at
3/15/2014L 3-5 at
3/16/2014L 0-1 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Pepperdine43-18
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (29-26)3/4/2014W 2-1

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Pittsburgh22-30
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-13)4/4/2014L 0-4
W 3-2 at2/25/20144/5/2014W 2-1
4/6/2014L 0-3
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-29)3/11/2014W 12-3 at
W 6-5 3/22/20143/12/2014W 10-9 11 at
W 5-4 3/23/2014

22-23Virginia Military3(6 Common Ops)0Presbyterian19-31
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (21-27)5/16/2014W 2-1
L 2-5 at3/29/20145/16/2014L 0-10
W 6-2 at3/30/20145/17/2014W 4-1
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (35-18)3/28/2014L 0-5
L 0-4 at4/5/20143/29/2014L 0-8
L 0-17 at4/6/20143/30/2014L 0-8
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (18-31)4/25/2014L 1-4 at
L 4-6 4/18/20144/26/2014W 6-5 at
L 0-3 4/19/20144/27/2014L 7-10 at
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (23-31)4/11/2014W 6-0
L 3-6 at4/26/20144/12/2014W 3-1
L 2-3 at4/27/20144/13/2014L 4-6
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (35-21)4/4/2014L 0-4 at
L 2-3 5/10/20144/5/2014L 1-10 at
L 6-7 10 5/11/20144/6/2014L 1-4 at
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (27-23)5/2/2014L 2-4
L 2-11 5/17/20145/3/2014L 0-4
W 4-3 5/17/20145/4/2014W 5-4

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Princeton14-26
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-14)3/20/2014L 4-14 at
W 3-2 at2/25/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Quinnipiac18-31
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-25)2/23/2014L 1-10 vs
L 5-6 3/1/2014
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (28-22)4/25/2014L 3-11 at
L 1-5 3/15/20144/26/2014L 5-7 at
W 9-8 3/15/20144/27/2014L 2-10 at
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (22-26)3/8/2014W 6-1 at
3/9/2014L 4-5 at
3/9/2014L 5-6 at

24-21Virginia Military1(12 Common Ops)2Radford31-22
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (36-19)2/14/2014L 4-9 vs
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-25)2/16/2014L 7-8 10 vs
L 5-15 at3/12/2014
W 4-3 5/13/2014
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-26)2/23/2014L 4-5 at
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (33-21)3/11/2014L 6-7 13 at
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (29-21)3/21/2014W 10-9 12 at
L 2-11 5/17/20143/22/2014W 18-4 at
W 4-3 5/17/20143/23/2014W 8-2 at
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (18-31)3/29/2014L 2-4
L 4-6 4/18/20143/31/2014L 4-5
L 0-3 4/19/20143/31/2014W 8-3
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (22-32)4/4/2014L 0-6 at
L 3-6 at4/26/20144/5/2014L 4-7 at
L 2-3 at4/27/20144/6/2014W 1-0 at
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (17-34)4/9/2014W 14-5
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-19)4/17/2014W 10-3
L 2-3 5/10/20144/18/2014L 4-5
L 6-7 10 5/11/20144/19/2014W 5-4 13
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (30-18)5/2/2014L 8-10 at
W 4-3 at4/12/20145/3/2014W 3-1 at
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20145/4/2014W 8-3 at
5/20/2014L 2-3 vs
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (36-16)5/16/2014W 4-1
L 0-4 at4/5/20145/16/2014L 4-9
L 0-17 at4/6/20145/17/2014W 4-2
5/23/2014L 3-4 vs
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (22-28)5/22/2014W 5-4 vs
L 2-5 at3/29/2014
W 6-2 at3/30/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0Rhode Island13-40
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (28-24)2/27/2014L 4-8 at
L 2-11 5/17/2014
W 4-3 5/17/2014
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-35)3/1/2014L 4-8 vs
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (35-18)4/25/2014L 2-5
4/26/2014L 2-5
4/27/2014W 3-0
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (22-26)5/15/2014W 6-5
5/16/2014L 3-4 10
5/16/2014L 4-12

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Rice42-20
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (32-22)3/7/2014W 4-1
L 5-15 at3/12/20143/8/2014W 3-2 17
W 4-3 5/13/20143/8/2014L 1-2 10
5/24/2014L 2-3 vs
5/24/2014W 7-5 vs

24-23Virginia Military1(6 Common Ops)0Richmond24-27
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-14)4/23/2014L 0-13 at
W 3-2 at2/25/2014
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-25)2/25/2014L 0-3
L 5-15 at3/12/2014
W 4-3 5/13/2014
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (34-18)4/11/2014L 4-19
4/12/2014L 1-5
4/13/2014W 9-6
5/21/2014L 2-5 vs
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (36-18)2/16/2014L 6-11 vs
L 0-4 at4/5/20144/8/2014L 7-10 at
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (33-20)3/12/2014L 11-16 at
4/1/2014W 10-3
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (20-31)4/2/2014W 6-4 at
L 4-6 4/18/2014
L 0-3 4/19/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Rider16-33
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (21-28)3/18/2014L 0-5 at
L 2-5 at3/29/20143/19/2014W 3-2 10 at
W 6-2 at3/30/2014
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (36-18)3/1/2014L 1-3 at
L 0-4 at4/5/20143/2/2014L 2-11 at
L 0-17 at4/6/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0Rutgers30-25
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (32-24)3/1/2014W 4-2 at
L 5-15 at3/12/20143/1/2014L 3-12 at
W 4-3 5/13/20143/2/2014L 6-12 at
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (25-24)3/14/2014W 6-3 10 vs
L 5-6 3/1/2014
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (15-21)3/15/2014W 5-1 vs
W 10-3 2/22/20144/16/2014W 7-1
W 3-1 2/23/2014
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (36-19)3/16/2014L 6-7 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0San Diego33-20
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (29-26)2/27/2014W 5-2

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Savannah State22-31
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (17-31)2/16/2014L 5-9 at
W 6-5 3/22/20142/16/2014L 0-4 7 at
W 5-4 3/23/2014
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (27-22)3/25/2014L 5-10
L 2-11 5/17/20144/1/2014W 7-5 at
W 4-3 5/17/20144/22/2014L 0-7 at
4/22/2014W 9-5 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Seton Hall39-15
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (24-24)2/22/2014W 8-2 at
2/23/2014W 16-2 at
2/23/2014W 6-2 8 at
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-33)3/8/2014W 15-4 at
3/9/2014L 3-11 at
3/10/2014W 19-4 at

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Siena27-33
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (26-24)2/22/2014L 5-8 10 at
L 2-11 5/17/20142/22/2014L 0-3 at
W 4-3 5/17/20142/23/2014L 3-5 at
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (28-22)3/1/2014L 4-10 at
L 1-5 3/15/20143/1/2014L 8-9 at
W 9-8 3/15/20143/2/2014L 1-14 at
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (23-25)4/29/2014L 9-10
W 4-2 3/8/2014
W 4-1 3/9/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0South Carolina44-18
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (35-23)3/21/2014L 5-13 at
3/22/2014L 1-2 at
3/23/2014W 8-3 at
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-30)2/18/2014W 4-0
W 6-5 3/22/2014
W 5-4 3/23/2014
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (38-19)5/30/2014W 5-2 vs
L 2-3 5/10/20146/1/2014W 9-0 vs
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (28-24)4/15/2014L 1-4
L 2-11 5/17/2014
W 4-3 5/17/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(5 Common Ops)0South Carolina-Upstate17-38
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (37-23)2/17/2014W 8-6
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (18-31)2/21/2014L 1-5
W 6-5 3/22/2014
W 5-4 3/23/2014
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (21-28)3/5/2014W 7-5 at
L 2-5 at3/29/20144/2/2014L 4-8
W 6-2 at3/30/2014
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (23-32)2/25/2014L 5-13 at
L 3-6 at4/26/20144/8/2014W 3-2
L 2-3 at4/27/2014
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (28-23)3/11/2014L 1-7 at
L 2-11 5/17/20145/13/2014W 10-9
W 4-3 5/17/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0South Dakota State25-29
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-30)3/7/2014W 4-1 vs
W 6-5 3/22/2014
W 5-4 3/23/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0South Florida27-31
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (38-17)2/15/2014W 2-1 vs
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (24-26)2/15/2014W 11-4 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0St Bonaventure12-30
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-24)4/1/2014L 3-4 7
L 5-6 3/1/20144/1/2014W 6-4 7
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (23-25)4/23/2014L 2-7
W 4-2 3/8/2014
W 4-1 3/9/2014
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (34-19)3/21/2014L 0-7 at
3/22/2014L 5-17 at
3/23/2014L 2-3 10 at
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (23-27)5/9/2014L 6-10 at

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0St John's34-20
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-25)2/21/2014L 0-3 at
L 5-15 at3/12/2014
W 4-3 5/13/2014
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)2/23/2014L 0-13 vs
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (17-32)3/21/2014W 15-4
3/22/2014W 7-5
3/23/2014W 4-2

25-23Virginia Military0(6 Common Ops)0St Joseph's35-16
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)2/21/2014L 2-16 vs
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-25)2/23/2014L 1-16 at
L 5-15 at3/12/2014
W 4-3 5/13/2014
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (22-28)3/1/2014W 5-4 12 vs
L 2-5 at3/29/2014
W 6-2 at3/30/2014
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (35-18)4/4/2014L 3-10 at
4/5/2014W 6-2 at
4/6/2014L 1-5 at
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (23-24)5/2/2014W 10-5
5/3/2014W 5-2
5/4/2014L 5-8
5/22/2014W 12-2 vs
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (32-19)3/2/2014W 4-1 vs
W 4-3 at4/12/2014
W 4-2 16 at4/13/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0St Louis34-21
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-26)3/1/2014L 2-3 at
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (24-24)4/17/2014W 7-6
4/18/2014W 2-1
4/19/2014W 5-3
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (35-19)5/22/2014L 4-9 vs
5/23/2014L 6-8 16 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0St Peter's11-41
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-26)3/2/2014L 2-8 at

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Stony Brook35-18
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (28-26)3/1/2014L 3-4 13 at
L 2-10 3/8/2014Binghamton (22-22)4/12/2014W 3-1
W 4-2 3/8/20144/12/2014W 5-4 10
W 4-1 3/9/20144/13/2014W 12-2
5/24/2014L 3-4 vs
5/25/2014L 7-8 12 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0Temple15-32
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (29-22)3/5/2014L 3-6 7 at
L 1-5 3/15/20143/5/2014L 1-3 7 at
W 9-8 3/15/2014
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (34-19)3/1/2014L 2-5 at
3/1/2014L 0-10 at
3/2/2014L 5-14 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Tennessee31-23
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-22)5/1/2014L 1-15
5/2/2014W 8-2
5/3/2014W 5-1

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Tennessee Tech39-19
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)4/22/2014L 13-15 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Texas A&M36-26
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (35-23)4/18/2014L 3-6
4/19/2014L 4-11
4/20/2014W 14-2

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Texas Christian48-18
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-14)6/17/2014L 2-3 15 vs
W 3-2 at2/25/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Texas-San Antonio35-26
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (32-24)4/17/2014W 5-0 at
L 5-15 at3/12/20144/18/2014L 1-10 at
W 4-3 5/13/20144/18/2014L 2-4 at

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0The Citadel24-34
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (24-31)3/19/2014W 3-2 at
L 3-6 at4/26/20144/22/2014W 7-4
L 2-3 at4/27/2014
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (28-23)3/26/2014W 10-3
L 2-11 5/17/20145/6/2014L 7-12 at
W 4-3 5/17/2014
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (27-26)5/8/2014W 1-0
5/9/2014L 0-2
5/11/2014L 3-9 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Toledo22-32
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (27-23)3/8/2014L 1-2 at
L 2-11 5/17/20143/8/2014L 3-6 at
W 4-3 5/17/20143/9/2014W 3-2 at

25-23Virginia Military0(6 Common Ops)0Towson22-25
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (27-27)4/18/2014L 2-11 at
4/20/2014L 8-11 at
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-14)3/19/2014L 3-5 at
W 3-2 at2/25/2014
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (29-25)2/15/2014W 5-4 at
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (31-21)5/2/2014L 5-12 at
5/3/2014L 7-14 at
5/4/2014L 7-9 at
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (15-34)4/25/2014W 15-12
4/26/2014L 2-7
4/27/2014L 2-3 11
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-21)3/2/2014L 4-5 at
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Vanderbilt50-21
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (24-30)3/7/2014W 9-1
L 3-6 at4/26/20143/8/2014W 5-0
L 2-3 at4/27/20143/9/2014W 4-1
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-22)3/28/2014L 2-4
3/29/2014W 9-3
3/30/2014W 6-2
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-13)6/23/2014W 9-8 vs
W 3-2 at2/25/20146/24/2014L 2-7 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)0Villanova16-34
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (14-23)4/8/2014L 3-6 at
W 10-3 2/22/2014
W 3-1 2/23/2014
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-25)2/22/2014L 2-4 vs
L 5-6 3/1/2014
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (26-24)2/15/2014L 0-2 at
L 2-11 5/17/20142/15/2014L 1-2 at
W 4-3 5/17/20142/16/2014L 4-8 at

24-22Virginia Military1(10 Common Ops)1Virginia52-14
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)2/14/2014L 3-8 vs
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (29-26)2/16/2014W 7-2 at
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (34-19)2/19/2014W 17-2 at
4/16/2014W 11-2
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (17-33)3/11/2014W 13-2
4/8/2014W 9-3 at
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (20-31)3/26/2014W 8-1
L 4-6 4/18/2014
L 0-3 4/19/2014
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-24)4/1/2014W 7-1
L 5-15 at3/12/20144/29/2014L 1-8 vs
W 4-3 5/13/2014
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (37-17)4/22/2014W 5-4 10 at
5/13/2014W 12-3
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (24-26)4/23/2014W 13-0
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (38-17)5/7/2014W 8-2
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (27-25)5/16/2014L 5-6 10 at
5/16/2014W 7-2 at
5/17/2014L 3-4 at

24-23Virginia Military1(7 Common Ops)0Virginia Commonwealth37-19
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (31-21)2/14/2014W 9-4 vs
L 1-5 3/15/2014
W 9-8 3/15/2014
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-24)2/15/2014W 6-3 vs
L 5-15 at3/12/20142/19/2014L 4-6
W 4-3 5/13/2014
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (28-25)3/8/2014L 2-4 at
3/9/2014W 14-8 at
3/9/2014W 4-2 at
W 3-0 2/21/2014Lafayette (15-22)3/14/2014W 3-2
W 10-3 2/22/2014
W 3-1 2/23/2014
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (25-24)3/15/2014W 1-0
L 5-6 3/1/2014
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (23-24)4/11/2014W 19-4 at
4/12/2014W 5-1 at
4/13/2014L 6-9 at
5/21/2014W 5-2 vs
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-14)4/22/2014L 4-5 10
W 3-2 at2/25/20145/13/2014L 3-12 at

25-23Virginia Military0(9 Common Ops)0Virginia Tech21-31
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (31-20)2/25/2014W 6-1
L 1-5 3/15/20144/2/2014W 8-5
W 9-8 3/15/2014
W 5-1 4/8/2014William and Mary (32-21)3/5/2014L 0-7
5/13/2014L 1-4
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (24-27)3/11/2014L 10-10 10 at
W 8-6 12 at4/2/2014Virginia Commonwealth (35-19)3/12/2014L 14-21
4/8/2014L 6-11 at
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (49-14)3/28/2014L 1-2 at
W 3-2 at2/25/20143/29/2014L 2-9 at
3/30/2014L 4-7 at
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (17-34)4/1/2014W 11-5 5
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (20-31)4/9/2014W 4-1
L 4-6 4/18/2014
L 0-3 4/19/2014
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (38-17)4/14/2014W 4-3 at
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-21)4/23/2014L 9-14 10
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014

25-22Virginia Military0(3 Common Ops)1Wake Forest29-26
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (51-12)5/16/2014W 6-5 10
W 3-2 at2/25/20145/16/2014L 2-7
5/17/2014W 4-3
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (31-21)2/23/2014W 5-4
L 1-5 3/15/2014
W 9-8 3/15/2014
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (31-19)4/1/2014L 1-5 at
W 4-3 at4/12/20144/2/2014W 10-6
W 4-2 16 at4/13/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(2 Common Ops)0West Virginia28-26
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (17-34)3/2/2014W 5-1 vs
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (27-26)3/21/2014L 1-2 10 at
3/22/2014W 9-3 at
3/23/2014L 10-13 at

25-23Virginia Military0(4 Common Ops)0Western Carolina37-18
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (24-31)2/18/2014W 8-0
L 3-6 at4/26/20144/15/2014W 9-6 13 at
L 2-3 at4/27/2014
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (24-25)3/8/2014L 4-5 vs
L 5-6 3/1/2014
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (19-30)4/8/2014W 16-0
W 6-5 3/22/2014
W 5-4 3/23/2014
L 3-9 at3/5/2014Wake Forest (29-25)4/30/2014W 3-2 12 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Western Kentucky29-28
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)3/18/2014L 3-10 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Western Michigan24-31
W 2-0 2/28/2014Buffalo (22-25)4/11/2014L 7-8 at
L 5-6 3/1/20144/12/2014L 4-5 at
4/13/2014L 3-7 at

24-23Virginia Military1(10 Common Ops)0William and Mary34-21
L 3-5 at2/14/2014North Carolina-Wilmington (28-24)4/4/2014L 2-8
4/5/2014W 14-2
4/6/2014W 10-2
5/23/2014W 12-6 vs
L 0-12 vs2/15/2014Virginia (50-14)2/19/2014L 2-17
W 3-2 at2/25/20144/16/2014L 2-11 at
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-25)4/2/2014L 5-20 at
L 5-15 at3/12/2014
W 4-3 5/13/2014
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (31-21)3/11/2014W 7-6 13
L 1-5 3/15/2014
W 9-8 3/15/2014
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (19-29)5/8/2014L 0-2 at
L 2-5 at3/29/20145/9/2014L 3-4 at
W 6-2 at3/30/20145/10/2014L 0-6 at
W 4-2 4/9/2014Richmond (23-26)3/12/2014W 16-11
4/1/2014L 3-10 at
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (30-19)2/21/2014W 4-2 10 at
W 4-3 at4/12/20142/22/2014L 3-6 at
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20142/23/2014L 8-9 11 at
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (19-32)3/19/2014L 7-9
L 4-6 4/18/2014
L 0-3 4/19/2014
W 6-1 at4/22/2014James Madison (16-33)4/12/2014W 13-5 at
4/12/2014L 8-9 at
4/13/2014W 24-6 at
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-19)3/8/2014W 7-6 at
L 2-3 5/10/20143/8/2014L 1-2 at
L 6-7 10 5/11/20143/9/2014W 19-7 at

25-20Virginia Military0(8 Common Ops)3Winthrop24-33
L 1-6 3/14/2014Radford (30-20)4/4/2014W 6-0
L 1-5 3/15/20144/5/2014W 7-4
W 9-8 3/15/20144/6/2014L 0-1
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (17-30)4/11/2014L 0-6 at
W 6-5 3/22/20144/12/2014L 1-3 at
W 5-4 3/23/20144/13/2014W 6-4 at
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (21-27)3/14/2014W 3-2 at
L 2-5 at3/29/20143/15/2014W 7-3 at
W 6-2 at3/30/20143/15/2014L 0-8 at
L 0-5 at4/4/2014Liberty (38-17)5/24/2014W 6-5 vs
L 0-4 at4/5/2014
L 0-17 at4/6/2014
L 1-2 at4/11/2014High Point (29-20)4/17/2014L 0-6 at
W 4-3 at4/12/20144/18/2014L 4-7 at
W 4-2 16 at4/13/20144/18/2014L 2-4 at
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (19-30)5/16/2014W 4-3
L 4-6 4/18/20145/16/2014L 6-10
L 0-3 4/19/20145/17/2014W 5-2
L 2-6 5/9/2014Campbell (37-21)5/25/2014L 1-9 vs
L 2-3 5/10/2014
L 6-7 10 5/11/2014
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (26-23)5/9/2014L 6-8 at
L 2-11 5/17/20145/10/2014L 2-10 at
W 4-3 5/17/20145/11/2014L 4-6 at
5/20/2014W 4-0 vs

25-23Virginia Military0(6 Common Ops)0Wofford32-28
L 4-5 at3/11/2014Old Dominion (33-24)4/8/2014W 4-1 at
L 5-15 at3/12/20144/9/2014L 2-15 at
W 4-3 5/13/2014
W 15-2 3/21/2014Presbyterian (17-29)2/23/2014W 8-7
W 6-5 3/22/20143/19/2014W 10-6 vs
W 5-4 3/23/20144/23/2014L 4-5 10 at
5/5/2014L 10-11 10 at
W 9-3 at3/28/2014Gardner-Webb (22-27)2/19/2014W 7-6
L 2-5 at3/29/20143/26/2014W 7-4 at
W 6-2 at3/30/2014
W 3-1 4/17/2014Longwood (19-30)2/28/2014L 1-7
L 4-6 4/18/20143/1/2014W 4-3
L 0-3 4/19/20143/2/2014W 4-3
L 0-1 at4/25/2014Winthrop (24-31)3/5/2014W 2-1
L 3-6 at4/26/20143/12/2014W 2-1 at
L 2-3 at4/27/2014
W 7-6 5/16/2014Charleston Southern (28-23)2/25/2014W 10-4 at
L 2-11 5/17/20144/30/2014L 4-7
W 4-3 5/17/2014

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Wright State35-22
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)2/25/2014L 1-7 at

25-23Virginia Military0(1 Common Ops)0Xavier30-29
W 10-9 vs2/16/2014Kentucky (36-24)3/26/2014L 6-9 at